Li Hing Mui Plum Powder is often mixed with water or sprinkled on fresh fruits to create a refreshing and hydrating treat. The powder's tangy flavor adds a zing to beverages, making it a popular choice for fruit juices, smoothies, and cocktails. Offers a natural way to quench thirst and stay hydrated, especially during hot summer months.
Offers a delightful combination of fruity sweetness, tangy acidity, and savory saltiness. Enhances the taste of fruits, candies, shaved ice, and even savory dishes like meats and salads.
Li Hing Mui Plum Powder is a flexible ingredient suitable for various recipes. It can be added to a variety of foods like fruits, popcorn, shaved ice, meats, seafood, and vegetables. It brings a distinct flavor to ordinary dishes, creating a delightful taste experience.
Unique and Tangy Flavor: Li Hing Mui Plum Powder is known for its distinct sweet, sour, and salty taste that adds a burst of flavor to various dishes and snacks.